My wife was diagnosed with an AN back in April 2014. In the afternoon on July 10 this summer, my wife and I consulted with Dr. Lunsford and several of his staff at UPMC in Pittsburgh. The next morning, we arrived at UPMC at 5:15 a.m. My wife was called into the outpatient GK unit at 5:30. She was hooked up to an IV and started on a twilight type of anesthesia. We had watched the frame attachment procedure on YouTube prior to our visit to UPMC, so we knew some of what was coming. Apparently a lot of people dread the frame attachment from what I hear, but Dr. Lunsford minimized that by having him and 3 other doctors attach the screws simultaneously, thereby greatly shortening the process. The globe was attached to the frame, the AN-specific MRI came next, and then the globe was removed. After the MRI, Dr. Lunsford and a team of doctors met for about an hour, plotting the computer program for the GK for my wife's AN. Dr. Lunsford came to my wife prior to the GK, somewhat pleased that there were pockets or cysts in her AN, which he felt was a positive sign that the AN would shrink post-treatment. My wife went into the GK for about 40 minutes and was taken to a recovery bay. The frame was removed, a head dressing applied, and after some rest, she was released. Total time in outpatient was 6 hr. from beginning to end.
We went back to the hotel and my wife slept for about 3-4 hours, sleeping off the anesthesia. When she awoke, I brought in some food and we ate our meal together. The next day, my older son and his family came from eastern PA, to spend a couple of days with us. My wife enjoyed the pool and the lounge chairs by the pool with the grandkids. The next day, we went sight-seeing in Pittsburgh. We had an enjoyable, busy day, and really enjoyed my son's family.
It seemed that we overdid over the weekend, just put too much into the 2 days, because my wife was exhausted mentally and emotionally as we travelled back to Wisconsin on Monday. It took a couple of days for her to regain herself.
Now, 2.5 months post-treatment, my wife has been on a roller coaster ride of symptoms. The symptoms are basically the same ones as experienced prior to treatment, though sometimes more intense and more frequent. These include left-sided hearing loss, balance issues, facial numbness and tongue numbness. She has had only about 3 headaches post-treatment, some lasting 36 hours despite Tylenol (tried Ibuprofen once, but didn't help that much) - just had to ride the storm out. As noted by some other people with an AN, it seems that fatigue, stress and weather do affect the symptoms. I tell people that when we take a walk, my wife hangs onto me because of the balance issues, and I like that!! :-) Also noted in some of the posts is that people post-treatment may experience irritability or short fuse. That is very difficult for me. Several people in the forums mentioned faith and prayer as very important. Were it not that I had started down a 3-year program called Christ-Quest 1.7 yr. ago, having my program mentor be there for me, this path as caregiver would have been much more difficult than what it has been.
We have a 21-year-old son with high-functioning autism, some cognitive issues, and psoriatic arthritis. So, I am a double-caregiver. Lately, my wife has struggled with irritability with some of his issues, short-fusing. It is not good for either of them. We are exploring an option to get him into an adult foster home part-time or more, which is very difficult with our Christian faith concerns and my son's strong Christian beliefs and his mental/physical issues. It seems that peace in our home is a high priority with my wife being post-treatment, peace for both her sake and my son's sake.
Thank you to all who have posted in the AN forums. You have been such a support to me, and in turn, to my wife. May God bless you all.