Author Topic: Number of consultations?  (Read 3651 times)


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Number of consultations?
« on: September 30, 2006, 12:23:50 am »
How many opinions should we be getting before making any decisions.  Right now we are finding out that our insurance doesn't payfor any of these doctors that we are being referred to.  Do you just tell the doctor you want a second opinion and then he refers you?  I hear you talking a lot about the House something clinic in Los Angeles.  Does anyone have names of doctors down there?  How do you go about getting your insurance to accept specialists?


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Re: Number of consultations?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2006, 05:04:54 am »
I had two local consultations, there may not be many doc's to choose from in your area.  I have an HMO. they said they would not pay for House even though both my pcp and ent referred me there after i asked them to. You should have an appeals process with your insurance company. use it.  I wrote a letter to my governor, Matt Blunt.  He assigned someone from  the state dept of insurance to appeal on my behalf.  I was able to file a complaint with the state against my insurance company.  It was a roller coaster ride and I did hours of research, writing letters and having docs make phone calls and write letters for me.  Ultimately I believe that the key was the complaint to the state.  I was put on VIP status since it came from the gov's office.  I also had an attorney on retainer and did not keep it a secret.  
good luck, I am  convinced that my best possible outcome is HEI.  
If I can help please let me know.    Fight for your life!!!!!!!!
3.0cm AN left
sx 10/26/06


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Re: Number of consultations?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2006, 05:08:05 am »
Check out house ear
My doc's are Friedman and Hitselberger. 
My surgery should be scheduled by Monday 
3.0cm AN left
sx 10/26/06


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Re: Number of consultations?
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2006, 04:39:24 pm »
A lot of doctors will give you a phone consult just by sending them your mri and reports.  House I know is one.  Where I had surgery I contacted a dr via of email and he gave me a mini consult but since I was coming to see his collegue he didn't ask for reports but did follow up with his opinion after he reviewed what I brought in.  I know for me I stopped when I felt comfortable with the surgeon since that was my only choice of treatment and I didn't have time to wait for an appoint that was months away.  I ended up with three consults.  My insurance paid for all of them (ppo plan) Like amylynn said..if you have to push buttons and fight to get what you want it's worth it!


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Re: Number of consultations?
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2006, 08:53:15 am »
Don't limit the amount of opinions you get.  Inform and educatute yourself on the procedures available and ask around.  In the beginning, I was more confused than anything due to the fact that evey doc had a different answer it seemed.

Got 4 consults from various radiosurgery places, all using different types.  Most of these were at no cost and via phone.

Also got 4 or 5 consults from various surgical docs, decided on one at Johns Hopkins, then opted to get one more opinion from the Skulll base Institute went with my gut, changed my mind and took a trip to L.A.  Some of these were at no cost also.  In all, I believe I paid for 3 of the consults total.  The majority of them being JH related. ::)

3+cm AN, hit the chopping block 5 Sep 06 at the Skull Base Institute

Was 4.5cm at it's largest point, completely removed.  All motor functions normal.  Only complaint is SSD on the left side, which was expected anyway.