House Institute is a highly respected acoustic neuroma treatment medical facility and Dr. Schwartz is an excellent neurosurgeon so she will have good care there.
It is strictly up to your daughter and you whether you want another opinion, or not. If it feels right to go ahead with surgery next week, that is what you should do. If you have any hesitation, I would get an additional opinion ..... but that is just what I would do. It must be your decision so you feel right about it.
St. Vincent's is a small hospital so it is very easy to get around. My room was extremely tiny and at the end of a hall, where people tended to come to use their cell phones so I was very glad to be discharged on Day 5. When I was there three years three years ago, my husband and I stayed in Seton Hall (St. Vincent's guest facility right next to it), which was clean, comfortable, quiet, and convenient. House Ear Clinic is right across the street from the hospital so it was very easy to walk between all three places.
Many thoughts and prayers.