I have not been on this forum for a while. I was on immediately after my AN surgery in Nov 2009. I still have some residual facial paralysis on my right side, raging tinnitus in my right ear, and I have been pretty much been ignoring both except when I get a charlie horse in my right cheek when I try to smile or laugh.
I did a trial for the sound bite in 2013. I like the unit, it is interesting but it effected the way I talked and because if the intense tinnitus they had trouble turning up the gain without generating loud feedback. So I gave up.
I finally opted for the new BAHA 4 with the magnetic base (BAHA Attract). I had the surgical installation of the titanium bolt and magnet about 4 weeks ago. I get the unit and accessories, the unit programming and user training in 2 weeks... just in time for Christmas. And I'm pretty excited about it.
The surgery and post op healing have been going good.. no issues so far except my head is a little more lumpy. The tenderness is fading and I think it will be ok. I do worry about how much pressure will be applied by the magnets as they hold the BAHA 4 against my head.
I did ask CI before opting for this technology about the research done regarding how the presence of the magnet effects the human electro-magnetic field. I am a little concerned about having an electro-magnetic disturbance so close to the brain. I asked them if they had looked at the EMI field to see how it was disturbed, if they had looked through one of those funny cameras to see how the human aura was effected or if there was any disturbance in the infra-red image. I got no answer other than it had been approved by the FDA. And I said.. the FDA? really.. they're a govt agency you know.. right... and since when has a govt agency done anything right? I get it.. it's the law, they have to approve it.. but I'm not sure I really trust them. That aside.. I opted for it anyway.
I'll post a follow up to let you know how the programming/training session goes and how it feels, how well it holds position, etc..
Thanks for discussing this topic.