There is a gentleman (Thomas Smith) on the ANA "willing to talk" list, who lives near Philly, and successfully underwent AN surgery at Jefferson (Drs Wilcox & Evans) a few years back. His contact info is on the ANA support groups page: He (or one of the other PA support group leaders) may be able to connect you with some other AN patients who recently had surgery in UPenn or Jefferson. I enjoyed talking with Tom earlier this summer when I was in the process of making my decision (which I posted on in your other thread).
Also, there are a few patients of UPenns Dr Lee who post enthusiastically about him on one of the (four?) AN Facebook groups - perhaps inquire there (sorry, I can't remember which specific AN-related Facebook group I've seen people posting about Dr Lee...).
Other than those thoughts, sorry, I have no specific Philly info.