Author Topic: Weird facial movements  (Read 2487 times)


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Weird facial movements
« on: January 19, 2015, 04:13:39 pm »
I had trans lab procedure in mid July, and did well. I had some weakness on that side. It improved. My eye is still dry but manageable. My mouth is also dry but manageable. My smile and blink rate went back to normal. I had a BAHA abutment put in in late Oct. It went fine. Now in the last week I have had some weird facial movements or twitches. When i wrinkle my nose up or yawn my cheek twitches on that side, not all the time but frequently. I feel like my face on that side feels different now. Just wondering if anybody else experienced this and did it get better or worse? Have my BAHA fitting next week so will ask the Dr. then.... but in the meantime I am about to freak out! Thanks for the input! :-)