Author Topic: How many have NF2?  (Read 3248 times)


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How many have NF2?
« on: January 22, 2015, 04:59:27 pm »
How many of you if any have been diagnosed with NF type 2? Mine started with a tumor on the left optic nerve which left me blind in that eye. Then I was told I have bilateral AN's. All have been treated with different types of radiation.Right side is not a problem other then being deaf. Left side some hearing but regrowing. ???
Glioma Tumor left optic nerve 1960,RS AN 2.2CM FSR 5 treatments @JHH by Dr Williams in 1999 & LS AN 2.6CM 30 treatments 2007 by Dr Brian Chon@Centra State,NJ.Blind in L.eye,deaf in R.ear.Test for NF2 came back negative.Doing OK.