Greetings and Peace from Duxbury
My little 'friend' is about 3mm X 4mm in my left ear, and is causing such intense, screaming noise that I am wondering how long I will be able to stand it. I am of such compassion with all sufferers of tinnitus (as well, of course, as with the remaing world of sufferings)!
So, first of all, I send you prayers for recovery and relief.
I am newly diagnosed with this mighty small AN (compared to many), and through this great resource I am diggin my way through the "what next"? I have been to see Dr. Black (B&W) who sez (a) watch & wait, (b) if anything, radiosurgery and (c) there's only a 50% chance that the tinnitus will be mitigated.
I am not thrilled with those odds.
I am walking the alternative medicine path aas well, although my most trusted accupuncturist told me yesterday that while accupuncture is quite good at many things, tinnitus isn't one of them (neither tumor removal!). Obviously, this is a very individual treatment, as it may work wonders for some.
Keep the Faith