Author Topic: FOR TAYLOR...WITH HUGS.....  (Read 3420 times)


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« on: October 18, 2006, 06:48:04 pm »
Hi Taylor,

I'm sending you some hugs and lots of courage along with tons of "get up and go" and a few baskets of patience with having to deal with time as your own An journey continues.


To use a word that is from "younguns" but i find it most explicit and evocative, having an An and having to deal with your post surgery symptoms, SUCKS big time.

Now I am not a youngun at all, but I understand your situation I think. I don't care what age anyone is with an AN and the fallout that can happen with having it and having treatment whatever kind one has with no choice or has with lots of choice. I don't care if someone is middle age and all of a sudden has problems, or is older and has problems, or is young and has problems. The problems will vary depending on where one is in life, what someone has accomplished in life , and where someone is planning to head.

The thing that seems to have been lost in some threads is that it doesn't darn well matter what age anyone is. The thing that does matter is that it's important to "understand" where one comes from before a life altering and cognitive "changing"  for some and physical change and  emotional change. (never mind the typing fiasco that far too many of us encounter!)

You've gone through a lot. You have had to face many changes and yes having one's looks alter due to this An or the treatment is another blow to one's sense of self.

The good news is that yes, you will be angry. Feel it, vent it, and share it. But then you will find ways to get around it. AND overcome it.

Porbably none of us has anyone quite in the same shoes that we ourselves walk in as we all have different situations before we heard that word AN.

Believe me, I understand where you are coming from.

And again as usual i went back and read all your posts as i often do. ('cause i forget things).

Again big hugs, and wishing you all the best,
Keep posting,
