Author Topic: Social Security disability while on W and W with a small A.N  (Read 2683 times)


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Hi everyone.  Has anyone been able to be successful obtaining a Social Security Disability Pension while being on W and W, with a small A.N.   I am 48 and  have a small 5 m.m  A.N with intermittent dizziness.   balance issues and a condition call Dystonia . Went to my neurosurgeon to look into Gamma Knife Radiation,  and was told no dice ,not yet stay on W and W. I ask the same Neurosurgeon to please sign my disability papers for having the small A.N and the fact that is a contributing factor for my balance issues. He said he could not help me on that front because no treatment was given at this point, by him. He is just looking at the scan and his best opinion is just observe at this point. Has this happened to anyone else? Any feed back is helpful? Thanks