Hi Carolgre!
Thank you for sharing more of your story, and I'm encouraged by it. It is always wonderful to hear how someone is feeling fine with no new symptoms or problems.
You are probably right that you have wishful thinking regarding your auditory nerve. I'm not a physician, so I can't say for sure, but someone once told me that the auditory nerve is like a doughnut in the sense that if a car runs over it, the doughnut is permanently flattened. It does not bounce back up after the car passes by. So, if this is true, then the auditory nerve, when it has been crushed, does not bounce back once the tumor shrinks away.
It would be wonderful if it did, but that is most likely wishful thinking on our parts. It's natural that we would want that. But it probably won't happen. Unfortunately.
I wish you the best on your journey!