Author Topic: 7-12 anastomosis procedure  (Read 4123 times)


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7-12 anastomosis procedure
« on: August 13, 2015, 01:37:23 pm »
I was diagnosed just before my 50th birthday on February 12, 2015. I had surgery to remove a 2.5 cm AN on March 16, 2015.

I had 50% left sided hearing loss for many years. The only other symptom I had--and the one that tipped my primary care physician off--was ringing in my ears prior to diagnosis. Tumor was totally removed (except for a small portion near the brain-stem, it appears!), and I had no other health complications whatsoever, but my facial palsy has persisted for 4 months. However, He cut my hearing nerve, therefore, I lost my hearing in my left ear, but I have cross-hearing aides which are such a blessing. So, I had an EMG today (8/11/2015) to determine if I had any facial nerve function and it appears not. My neurosurgeon said that my facial nerve wasn't cut, just stretched out to the point that recover is highly unlikely, therefore, I am going to have a 7-12 anastomosis, which will potentially improve my facial symmetry at rest and hopefully regain some facial movement in the future (approximately 12-18 months).  In addition to freeing me of a lopsided smile!

I am not sure if I should have my neurosurgeon do my 7-12 anastomosis, I don't really know how many he has done and I don't know how to figure that out. After reading post on this website, realized I might not have made the best decision with my AN to start with. But, I don't want to compound the issue. I would be willing to travel to California, if it made sense. I was hoping someone could give me some guidance with how they selected their surgeon for the 7-12 anastomosis. I was told by the Dr. that preformed the EMG that the surgery is similar to removing the AN and I was under the impression that it was not and more focused on the facial area. I am a commercial appraiser and also teach at the local college and was wondering how long I will be out of work. Is your speech effected significantly and if so, how long before I should be able to continue teaching. I teach twice a week for 3 hours each class. I really appreciate any suggestions as well as comments on how to find the right surgeon for the procedure.

Thanks for your time,
Diagnosed February 12, 2015 with 2.5 cm AN at 49 years of age.  Had hearing loss and ringing in my ears as symptoms for about 15 years. Had surgery March 16, 2015. Lost my hearing in my left ear and facial paralysis on my left side and will be having a 7-12 anastomosis soon.


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Re: 7-12 anastomosis procedure
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2015, 01:40:19 am »

My surgery was performed by a cranio-facial plastic surgeon who was brought into my treatment by my neurosurgeon.  The rule seems to be that there is an 18 month window to intervene and preserve the affected facial muscles.  My point is that even though I'm sure you want to move with some urgency, you do have some time for research and referrals. 

I can't really offer you a back to work timeframe, but I'd guess you'd be looking at a few weeks on the sidelines.  The healing process is very slow and gradual.  My speech is affected, but it has improved with time.  I have to remember to speak slower than I used to, and I've gotten used to repeating myself. 

Good luck,
Dx 10/20/2011- 4.5cm
Retrosigmoid- Weill Cornell- 11/15/2011- hypervascular tumor
Translab- 11/30/2011
Multiple complications- CSF leak, DVT, cerebellar injury
Facial paralysis- 12-7 Nerve transfer 3/12
SSD—BAHA- 2/14
Ongoing reconstruction & rehab


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Re: 7-12 anastomosis procedure
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2015, 05:55:34 pm »
I had the procedure done 4 days after my AN surgery while still in ICU by the same team of surgeons as my AN. Unlike Sam, I was told "the sooner the better" when the nerve has been severed in order to have the healthiest nerve to graft. Luckily, I guess, I was told the Dr was able to leave a long enough nerve ending to graft "end to end" as opposed to splicing the 12th nerve into it the 7th on the side.

I don't believe it is similar to the AN surgery if you mean opening the skull again. That didn't happen I don't believe. I was pretty out of it though and in shock,,,,,I believe the entry was from bottom tip of ear area down neck/throat to just under bottom of jaw. At least that is where I have a scar  ::)

I was told to expect 12-18 months for regeneration of the nerve and most of the results I would get. I did have some small movement at 6 months and continuing improvement to this day,, almost 4 years!

I have facial tone, movement of cheek and a little in eyebrow.. My smile is not full and open., I can smile pretty good closed mouth. My speech is affected but like Sam said, you can understand me if I talk slower and repeat often  >:(,,,, I had no rehab therapy though and there are specialist out there who could help you. I'm retired so don't have to be out daily. I believe you would be fine returning to work when you feel able. I'm sure your students will be able to understand you.

As far as timeline,, I wasn't working then but I don't think it will be too long if you are able to return from AN surgery. All my recovery was at same time.

Good luck and let us know.

translab Oct 27, 2011
facial nerve graft Oct 31,2011, eyelid weight removed Oct 2013, eye closes well

BAHA surgery Oct. 2014, activated Dec. 26


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Re: 7-12 anastomosis procedure
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2015, 09:56:44 pm »
Thank you Sam and Jane for your response.

I started back teaching with my facial paralysis and everything is working out fine. I think we are scheduling the surgery in October of this year and I might have heart surgery as well because of a whole in my heart, but that is not definite at this point. I really appreciate both of your posts and your time.

I really have enjoyed reading post from users, it is so helpful to hear from individuals that can truly relate to our situation.

Have a great week.

Diagnosed February 12, 2015 with 2.5 cm AN at 49 years of age.  Had hearing loss and ringing in my ears as symptoms for about 15 years. Had surgery March 16, 2015. Lost my hearing in my left ear and facial paralysis on my left side and will be having a 7-12 anastomosis soon.