Hi Stephanie23,,
I think I have responded to you previously,, but if not,, yes I had that graft 4 yrs ago.
I saw VERY small movement at about 6 mo.,,, the Dr told me 12-18 mo for most of the results. But I have had results up to this day. I see little changes still. But most of the major changes to tone and cheek movement was by about 2 years.
You just have to be patient as you can not hurry the regeneration process. Keep pushing your tongue to the roof of your mouth and trying to make small natural movements. Small smiles, try to raise your eyes ( you may not get much eyebrow movement back though,, I haven't) , you will see your cheek raise after a bit,,, it will come! Don't be too forceful though at first as it can lead to synkinesis ( incorrect nerve signals) and movements you don't want. Soft facial massage, by you, to kinda push face up in direction you want it to go,, not hard,, these are just things I did,,, I did NOT see a facial reanimation specialist who may disagree with my suggestions!
Good luck and hang in there!! You will see small changes soon ,,,,,,