In July 2009 I had Gamma Knife on a 3.7cm left sides Acoustic Neuroma. Since then the tumour has shrunk to around 2.7cm. These are at the widest point.
In October of this year I developed facial paralysis. It was diagnosed as Bells Palsy. I have been recovering. I had a CT scan and the results were severe facial nerve swelling.
On Wednesday of this week my face began losing some of the strength I regained. On Thursday I woke up to a blocked feeling in my ear. Everything sounds like it's underwater. Loud noises echo. I can't understand most of what's said.
I went to my GP and he said I have ETD and has prescribed some decongestants. They're not making any difference.
I emailed my NF2 nurse and am awaiting a reply.
I know CT scans aren't as reliable as MRIs. I think I need an MRI here because I really don't like what's going on. Everything just seems to have happened suddenly. My ENT before said the facial weakness is unrelated to the Acoustic Neuromas as weakness wouldn't come on suddenly. But now I got this hearing loss it just seems too much of a coincidence?
I'm not going to lie I am really scared. I know that if this tumour has grown, and needs to be removed not only will I be deaf but also I'll probably have full facial paralysis, due to the effects of the GK.