Author Topic: Yay ... someone also has/had vision shakes!  (Read 3978 times)


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Yay ... someone also has/had vision shakes!
« on: September 10, 2016, 09:17:28 am »
I found a link after all these years!  :) ...

My experience and potential solution below. Best of luck and keep on keeping on!


>> Description of Problem: As the user above described, my right eye experiences a shaky-ness like looking through a camcorder / video recorder while driving on a bumpy road.  The eye is not physically moving, it is all internal ... I would speculate a neural issue. This is triggered by:
1) Viewing a computer screen ... happening as I type
2) Sudden changes of movement. For example, driving and then looking quickly from street to rear view mirror and back; Or from street to clock/radio and back, etc.
3) Looking at things at uncommon angles. For example, looking at my extreme left.

>> My background and hypothesis as to what is going on: Since I had the right vestibular nerve (VN) severed to remove the AN, I am operating on my left VN only. Also, since I recall the first moment I opened my eyes after my surgery, I was experiencing this in my right eye and was terrified it was a permanent condition. However, I decided in that hospital bed (after two days of keeping my eyes completely shut as much as I could in fear of facing the inevitable), that I would face this problem head on. So I force my eyes open, and just started "playing" with my vision until the shakes went away, looking and staring at objects at different angles. This "exercise" seemed to work, and the shakes went away. That was 2010.

Last year, the shakes came back. There were no online resources discussing this specific condition. This summer, the shakes got more frequent, and the last couple of weeks I would say my eye was 60% normal, and 40% shakes. I would wake up in the middle of the night, look at my clock on the left, and it would be shake-city. I feared this was going to be a 100% condition, as I struggled to make it go away.

>> Solution: I reflected on 2010 and became determined again to face this head on. Two tools were (are) key to helping me manage this. An (do it yourself) occluder I made, and a flashlight/laser pointer I bought for $6 from Walmart.
(a) Look at the laser point at as many angles as possible: Cover the good eye, force the challenged eye to look at all angles ... imagine a clock, and hit every hour.
(b) Use varying angle combinations in rapid succession, i.e., move the laser from 7 o'clock to 11 o'clock, 5 o'clock to 1 o'clock, etc.
(c) Use  the above in 3 Dimensional fashion: Look at something near (to simulate reading a book), then look at something far, and go back and forth.
(d) While driving / anytime the shakes occur, use the "Good to challenged eye Integration Technique" ... i.e., when the right eye starts shaking, cover it with the occluder, and look solely with the left/good eye. Slowly roll the occluder off the challenged eye, and PRESTO ... the challenge eye goes back in focus. Repeat as needed. It's as if the challenged eye is a little slower at responding but can be "assisted" with this technique.
(e) Cover the left (good) eye during activities and force sole use of challenged eye, doing all of the above when safe/applicable to do so.

>> Tools I am using
(a) Occluder ... one with a long stick as this will be easier to use in many scenarios (less strain on the arm holding and manipulating it)
(b) Laser pointer
(c) Eye patch ... I ordered one and this will be used in stead of the occluder for techinque (e) above

Pic of my occluder and laser here:!ArVwbw3OelRVljJMkTuR5MBprZt5
« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 09:46:16 am by CF »


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Re: Yay ... someone also has/had vision shakes!
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2016, 08:33:33 pm »
I love your ingenuity! Good luck to you.