I'm currently just over 4 months post op and was referred to a physiotherapist about a month after surgery to begin electro stimulation. For the first 3.5 months post surgery, I had very little, possibly no noticeable improvement (although friends and colleagues believe they saw a "tightening" around my mouth and I looked less sad!). In the past 2 to 3 weeks I'm starting to actually see noticeable, measurable and actual movement around my forehead and nose. My speech has also improved dramatically. This was a huge milestone for me and fellow AN candidates as up until this point, you suspect any movement may have been a figment of your imagination!
I guess everyone will have a different take and experience on this, but I, like you, wanted to feel in control of my recovery and my regular visits to the physiotherapist have helped with this. I've got a long way still to go in terms of facial recovery but I'm hoping things will begin to accelerate now that I'm over the 4 month mark.
I also think we need to distinguish between facial exercises and electro stimulation. I'm of the impression that I need to have stimulating muscles and once they're stimulating, then I can start thinking about exercising them in order to regain loss of muscle tone and the overcompensation from the other side of my face. This is my opinion though so feel free to interrogate it.
A little about me: I'm a 29 year old guy and I had a 3cm x 3cm Acoustic Neuroma which was removed on 19 Feb 2015. I was very fortunate that my facial nerve remained in tact and stimulated well post the surgery, but alas, the nerve still got quite bruised and stretched so needs some time to compose itself again. I also was one of the lucky guys needing to have another surgery to fix a CSF leak (surgery on 10 March 2015).
A chronology of what I've experienced is as follows:
- Immediately post surgery for about a month I really battled to swallow.
- My eye regained its ability to create tears about 2.5 - 3 months into my recovery and I've used a great deal less eye drops since then. It was around this time that my taste started improving. Up until this point, everything tasted quite metallic and chemically.
-Resumed exercise again around 3 months post surgery (albeit light exercise at the gym)
- First noticeable improvement in terms of facial movement was just after 4 months.
Like I said, I've still got a way to go before my face is ok again but I needed to feel in control of the process. Other things I did (based on research with mixed conclusions and opinions) was to take vitamin B12 as well as Omega 3 supplements as there's a linkage between these vitamins and nerve regeneration. My logic is that they're good supplements so what harm could it cause in light of mixed conclusions?
Finally, take daily/weekly photos and videos of your face to track improvement. Videos help with being able to notice subtle movements which can't be determined with photos. This nerve recovers painfully slowly and it's all about the subtle changes!
I hope this helps a bit!