Author Topic: How much facial movement is enough to postpone the 12/7  (Read 3048 times)


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How much facial movement is enough to postpone the 12/7
« on: October 25, 2015, 10:23:36 pm »
My Tumor was totally removed (except for a small portion near the brain-stem, it appears!) on March 16, 2015, and I had no other health complications whatsoever, but my facial palsy has persisted for 7-1/2 months. So, I had an EMG on (8/11/2015) to determine if I had any facial nerve function and it appeared not. My neurosurgeon said that my facial nerve wasn't cut, just stretched out to the point that recover is highly unlikely. He was not able to locate the facial nerve during the surgery. He tried to get it to respond with probes during the surgery, but with no success.

I currently had the 7-12 anastomosis surgery scheduled for November 19. However, today (October 26, 2015) I noticed some facial movement in my cheek and it has improved slightly over the day. Based on my previous EMG results, I have not attempted to move my facial muscles and it was a shock to me that I was able to today. It is not a lot of movement, but I can feel it in the mouth area the most and my family said they can see the movement. I am wondering if waiting to have the 12/7 might be wise and if another EMG is reasonable. It has been 223 days (7-1/2 months) as of today since my AN surgery.

I was told that there is a window of time (6-12 months) after surgery for the optional results for the 12/7 anastomosis surgery. I am not exactly sure what to do, however, I will call my surgeon tomorrow and see if I can get an appointment with him and get his advice.

Any recommendation regarding either having it or putting it off for a few months?

Thank you in advance for your time,
Diagnosed February 12, 2015 with 2.5 cm AN at 49 years of age.  Had hearing loss and ringing in my ears as symptoms for about 15 years. Had surgery March 16, 2015. Lost my hearing in my left ear and facial paralysis on my left side and will be having a 7-12 anastomosis soon.


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Re: How much facial movement is enough to postpone the 12/7
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2015, 09:43:42 am »
It has taken me three years to get to the point I am at…my facial nerve was also stretched….I am much better but I always feel a pulling….people tell me I look fine but I see and feel the synkenesis/paresis….can you email your doctors and see them asap?  I think your nerve may be coming back…it sure takes a long time….my doc said after three years it's probably as good as it's going to get, but it did get better than right after surgery.
Hang in.


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Re: How much facial movement is enough to postpone the 12/7
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2015, 10:10:06 am »
Hi Chris

I had the same situation - nerve stretched during surgery but never recovered.

I had an EMG/Nerve Conduction Study done that was conclusive that the nerve was damaged and wasn't repairing at 6 months post op. I had another EMG and Nerve Conduction Study with another Neurologist to make sure before I had the 7/12 op. Both tests were conclusive and I never any movement at all. I had the op pretty much at 6 months post AN surgery.

I'm no doctor but I know all about that stress of trying to make the right decision as there is no going back once you have the op. All i'd suggest is get as many opinions from as many leading neurologists you can find. Go into this thing without having a shadow of doubt.
