Author Topic: Bilateral tumors, but I don't have NF2  (Read 8997 times)


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Bilateral tumors, but I don't have NF2
« on: October 12, 2015, 08:40:58 am »
I know this is uncommon.  Has anyone else experienced this or know someone who did?  I had the bigger (2.5cm) tumor removed on July 1st, 2015.  I still can't move that side of my face, and I'm completely deaf in that ear with a loud tinnitus.  The surgeon said he kept both the hearing and facial nerves intact, and promised me they would both come back.  I understand i need to be patient, but it makes me very worried since I'll need to have the other tumor removed within a year.  My biggest fears is that I will be deaf in both ears and not ever be able to smile again.  Any experiences or advice would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Bilateral tumors, but I don't have NF2
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2015, 08:17:45 am »
Can't comment on your hearing or facial problems getting better as I had already lost all my hearing on the left side and didn't have any facial issues post surgery. But I'm curious as to why you think you are not NF2, bilateral ANs are usually the NF2 indicator. I was in denail about being NF2 until the MRI of my spine showed 5 small tumors. Have you had a MRI of your spine?

« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 08:21:40 am by Raven »
7/10/07 hearing gone in left ear overnight
7/25/07 diagnosed with bilateral acoustic neuromas - aka NF2
11/7/07 left side tumor removal via middle fossa - 12 hrs.
11/15/07 right side decompression via middle fossa - 8 hrs.
Dr. Eisenman - University of Maryland Medical Center


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Re: Bilateral tumors, but I don't have NF2
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2015, 11:37:09 am »
Yes, I had an MRI of my complete spine and I didn't have any tumors.  I also had an NF2 blood test, and it came back negative.  I'm hearing more and more that those blood tests are only around 60% accurate.  I'm in the process of getting my records and imaging to send to the Mayo Clinic.  I've had a second opinion and nephrectomy done there 6 years ago, so I'm interested in what they will tell me.

Susan A

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Re: Bilateral tumors, but I don't have NF2
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2016, 08:10:21 pm »
if you have bilateral acoustic neuromas, by definition you DO have NF2! Many people have NF2 without spinal tumors. As you know, the blood tests are not always accurate because it is possible to have a 'mosaic' form of NF2 - i.e. it's not in every cell in your body. You need to see an NF2 expert. Doctors who have experience with acoustic neuromas are not necessarily NF2 experts - and NF2 tumors behave differently to regular ANs.

Check out The Children's Tumor Foundation for info about where to start looking for a good NF2 doctor, or try the NF2 Crew on Facebook. 

2011 8 x 7 mm AN, & 20 x 22 mm M found, both on the left. Mosaic NF2 diagnosed. Some hearing loss
2014 hearing 30% on left, now using hearing aid (HA)
2015 Now have CROS HA - no longer hear enough for HA to be useful in AN ear
2016 Use an FM system on occasion at work to supplement HA