Author Topic: Feeling frustrated, needing some advice and information  (Read 3437 times)


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Feeling frustrated, needing some advice and information
« on: March 14, 2016, 11:15:17 pm »
Hello ANA peoples,

 I am 46 years old. I think I have an AN.  Have had tinnitus, fullness in ear for nearly 1 year now.  Tingling tongue for several months, and 3 really bad spells of vertigo.  Dizzy spells used to occur every three weeks, are now occuring more frequently. 
I have seen 4 GPs.  3 of them tried to tell me I was suffering:  stress, anxiety, shingles (without the rash), ear infection, etc.  The latest GP is suspecting an AN and has referred me to an ENT.   I have seen ENT.  Had ears checked out, had hearing tests, and an ECOG.  He believes it is not ear related!  MRI is booked in, but not until 4 April. 
All this waiting (waiting to see the specialist,  waiting to have ECOG, now waiting for MRI!!!  I'm not getting any better.  My friends and family don't understand why I don't feel well and need to cancel social engagements and not attend events.  My patience is now wearing thin.  I'm frustrated and I don't know what to do or who to turn to.  Would appreciate any helpful advice/information any of you could provide.


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Re: Feeling frustrated, needing some advice and information
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2016, 12:50:04 pm »
Hi there,

First thing to try to do is, don't panic and stop over stressing yourself. #1 the chances of it being an acoustic neuroma is very slim due to how rare it is. Until you have the MRI, you have to live your life normally. Go out, have a drink! It's not the end of the world.

#2 While i won't jump to conclusions - I personally had an acoustic neuroma(i'm 33 years old) and had surgery about 3 months ago and i'm back to living a normal life. I'm drinking with friends, weightlifting again with no restrictions, back at work ( :-\ ), and planning for my next vacation.  So don't go off reading too much into the forums like i did, because i actually found more negative reviews than positive. Just go on about your daily routine, go out have fun, go have a cocktail or two, and until you have the MRI - STOP WORRYING.

#3 I had a friend who had the exact same symptoms as you did and of course had a panic attack. Of course now that she's aware of what an acoustic neuroma is due to my surgery she thought she had it too. Went through the entire process, doctors even though she had it because of the tinnitus in 1 ear. She had the MRI and it was just a ear infection.  All that stress and anxiety for nothing hah.
-July 2015 - Woke up with congested left ear and lasted about 2 weeks - then came Tinnitus
-9/16/15 - ENT doctor diagnosed with Tinnitus
-10/2/15 - MRI Scan reveals 2.4 X 2.4 x 2.2 cm AN
-12/8/15 - Surgery NYP Dr. Michael Sisti
-12/9/15 - 100% tumor removal all nerves saved :D


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Re: Feeling frustrated, needing some advice and information
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2016, 03:58:49 pm »
I know how you feel.
I've had dizzy spells since 2012 and kept repeatedly being diagnosed with BPPV and was doing Epley maneuvers all the time, self-diagnosed with menieres and kept asking doctors for medicines I wanted to try. Had hearing loss and an MRI was ordered, but they couldn't do the contrast because I was pregnant, so had to wait until I had my baby.
Had the MRI 1/6, saw the ENT who ordered it 1/16, referral to otolaryngologist whose first appointment was 2/9 and was going to go with surgery, referral to neurologist who I couldn't get in to see until 3/2, change of plans to go with radiation instead. Saw him 3/8 and now I don't start the first phase of radiation until 3/24. So much waiting when you just want it all to be over and done with!
My kids do a pretty good job of keeping me distracted though. I hope you can find something to keep your mind off of it!
February 2012 - first doctor visit for vertigo
January 2015 - sudden hearing loss
January 2016 - dx AN 1.1 cm x 2 cm
May 2016 - radiation; June 2016 to present - headaches, vertigo; October 2016 - one episode of facial paralysis