Author Topic: A quick post-op update, four weeks hence.  (Read 2043 times)


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A quick post-op update, four weeks hence.
« on: March 24, 2016, 04:46:35 pm »
after all my hair-tearing over the past month, i thought it might be helpful to post where we are today, four weeks post-op.

- balance issues:  none (at least none any of the rest of us notice, and he can get around in the dark, which i find amazing)
- dizziness from time to time, but nothing it seems he can't handle
- in the past five days, head pain has ramped up from 0-2 to 3-5, which has me a bit concerned.  he's taking it in stride so far.
- i think he's taken two norcos in the past 10 to 12 days; the last one was about five days ago.  no OTC painkillers (primarily due to being on prednisone)
- incision in ear from second surgery is on the mend, though he received instructions today to continue avoiding getting it wet until our next appointment on 4/13.
- translab incision is slightly inflamed
- completed his second round of steroids and famvir.  there is slight facial improvement (possibly as a result, possibly just natural healing); we'll see how it goes once everything leaves his system
- he has not reported 'roaring' or tinnitus yet, though he definitely isn't a fan of loud noises, or sound from multiple directions.  he went to macys with his girlfriend yesterday, which ramped up his head pain - he thinks due to the perfume; i think due to the stimuli.  this is of particular interest to me since he intends to go to vegas next weekend for his gf's 21st birthday, so i fear the impact of THAT, but he's nearly 23 and he's going to do what he's going to do.
- he reports that he feels like he could go back to work earlier than the end of his fmla in mid-may, but intends not to, to allow extra time.  (which i think is a good idea, particularly since his job is physically active and involves water (lifeguard, swim instructor), and since he's probably going to be stressing his system this weekend
- he enjoyed his first post-op beer three days ago!  though stopped at half.
- still not driving, though wanted to give it a shot last night.  i wasn't keen on starting out with night driving, so kiboshed it.  the plan was to do it today, but his doctor's appointment (and girlfriend's arrival) precluded.  we'll probably do a neighborhood cruise tomorrow morning.  he's not really in any hurry, as he's concerned about the impact of the loss of hearing in his left ear, though since he can turn his head from side to side with only very mild dizziness, he's probably ready, or close to it, at least from a medical standpoint.

that's about it, for now.  :)

22 y/o son:

2.8cm dx 12/31/15
translab (10 hours) at house clinic 2/23/16 - dr schwartz, dr miller
surgical repair of csf leak 2/27/16 - dr miller, dr chen
as of 2/28/16, still in hospital, with tentative release scheduled for 3/1/16
{indeed sprung 10:15a 3/1/16}