Dear Janey,
I am your age, also female and have the same size tumour as you. Like everyone, I agonised over what treatment to have.
Living in Europe, I travelled everywhere to find the right doctor, the right treatment option. I even went to see the top doctors in California,
and that's a long way away!
In the end, i opted for the Gamma knife in Marseille, France with Prof. Regis who like Dr. Lunsford has one of the best reputations in the world.
2 months later, I am so well, so relieved, still have my hearing, and absolutely no facial issues.
I would highly recommend the Gamma Knife. Yes, the head frame is unpleasant, but it's all over so quickly, nothing compared to surgery.
it is hard to have to travel to see the best doctor, but well worth it in the end. The GK was not that traumatic in my experience and I feel like
the luckiest person in the world for having done it.
I wish you all the very best!