Michelle, You shouldn't have to know what his/her title is. Gatekeepers will ask you some show stopper questions! (1) you need a recent hearing test for both ears and you need to know the particular range(s) in which you have deficits in your good ear side. The settings for the newest and best digitals are critical for you to get the best "benefit". Benefit is a hearind aid seller's techinical word. (2) Your ENT will have to certify in writing your need for the aid in order to get the insurance coverage. (3) The person who fits you with the hearing aid has knowledge in the area of making impressions for ear molds, insertions, and fine tune setting with a computer and the manufacturer's software. So, just say you need the best person who can give you all of these things.  I'd start with the ENT and especially one who promotes your brand of hearing aid. ÂÂ
I felt like I was getting the run around when I had to troup across the hall to the ENT's office, go in for a sit down with him and have him ask "What do you want from me?" This is the guy who sent me to the surgeons! So, I just said I need your signature so my insurance will pay. Then I trouped back over to the audiologist to find out they'd have their office bookkeeper file the papers. Who does business this way? This ENT and his group are more God-like (in their minds) than my surgeon ever was. I live in a realitively small town. No one had ever sold a TransEar, here. Due to my ear canal size, I am still in uncharted waters. Maybe, before I have to go on Medicare I'll have an aid. I think I could have gotten really fast service if I'd chosen the ENT's favorite - Phonak BiCros. Price comes out about the same as TransEar will be.