Helloa everyone,
I posted recently on an episode of vertigo.. (Probably unrelated to my "dormant AN, at least I hope) Glad to report that stopped as abruptly as it began.. Had it over 3 weeks.. MD prescribed Meclizine 25 MGs 2 or 3 times a day but that didn't help the vertigo..But during that time and now I have an increase in tinnitus..I can actually feel as well as hear this zapping, what I would describe as like an electrical charge that swoops through the AN side of my brain.. Up to now I mostly heard and felt this occasionally as I was drifting off to sleep. But the last few weeks I hear these episodes during the day (which I can live with) but some nights the zapping kept me awake for most of the night. It's almost like I can feel some electrical activity happening in my brain. And with my eyes closed with the sharpest zaps I have "seen" or experienced a white and blackish image like a black piece of paper with white holes in it (yes!) . So this has upset and downright frightened me.. It is there at various degrees at different times..
Does anyone know if tinnitus can morph into this kind of sound/feeling? I am wondering if hearing loss can deteriorate into this kind of noise..I had a 1CM removed retro sigmoid 2001, kept growing and I had 6 wks of radiation several years ago and my last MRI last April showed shrinkage.. and next MRI due 2018..
OH and by the way, from day one after my surgery in 2001 and continues now, when I look to the left or right with my eyes I hear a slight rushing sound.. But this only happens if I purposely sift my eyes left or right but not my head.--I believe this is called gaze-evoked tinnitus..or something like that.
Any input would be appreciated.
Much thanks to all on this site..
Mary/AKA Grammy