Author Topic: Nerve Test  (Read 3390 times)


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Nerve Test
« on: November 07, 2006, 10:09:49 am »
Some of you may be following my thread regarding my numbness of my feet. So yesterday I had a nerve test on my feet which I was almost reluctant to do. Anyway last week I went to the back doctor and he ruled out any Spinal Stenosis as my back MRI showed I have some. So he suggests this nerve test. Doctor(or whomever he was) comes in with these long needles and a probe that looks like an electric shocker-thats because it was. I told him about the NO-No on trying to stimulate my nerves now in my head. He says-won't get near the head-just your legs and feet. So he proceeds to give me electric shocks in my feet and lower part of the leg. All the time I am thinking about this electrical stimulation of my nerves. Then he sticks needles in my foot and upper calfs of the leg and back. I heard this machine crackle when I stuck the needle in. Says I have no indication of nerve transmission on right side of my right foot-everything else was fine. Now on the 17th have to go back to the back doctor to see what is going on. I told all of them my story about how all this came about after taking Steroids and the 3rd time I finished this was permanent. In other words my fet are numb all the time. Yesterday I got into a Cyberknife Chat with a doctor an low an behold I found another NF2 with the same problem in Seattle. So now I no I am not the nutty one. Only they had this person on so many Steroids-that person was vomiting constantly and refusing to take anymore. I am hoping this will resolve itself and I will not have to go anymore tests. My next MRI is in later part of December-1st part of January. I guess I just want to caution other's about the use of Steroids. Do when you have too-but limit. Can I prove a link-NO-BUT IT SURE SEEMS LIKE A CULPRIT TOO ME. Thanks-Ron.


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Re: Nerve Test
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2006, 02:13:54 pm »
Hi Ron,
I am sorry that you have to deal with NF2. I am 2nd generation NF2 and have recently found out that my nephew has it as well. I found these studies that you may be interested to read Occurrence and characterization of peripheral nerve involvement in neurofibromatosis type 2. Also this one: Focal amyotrophy in neurofibromatosis 2. Perhaps they will shed some light on your situation.
Best wishes,
multiple AN surgeries
last surgery June 08