I believe Sharonov has given you very sound advice,, especially considering she has just gone through treatment for a tumor on the facial nerve after years of deciding,, I also believe sending a copy of your MRI to House and/or Keck centers is an outstanding idea. Their input is most valuable as a secondary opinion,, I sent mine to House and spoke with Dr Slattery several years ago. It was most comforting to hear he concurred with the treatment that had been recommended to me by others.
As far as the discrepancy of opinions with regards to the timing of treatment or w&w,, many times, I believe, that is a personal preference of the individual doctor,, and of course Dr Sheehan would recommend going forth with the GK since that is his specialty,,, if symptoms are not very unbearable, it's not uncommon to go through several intervals of MRIs before getting treatment,, if it's indicated at all,, your symptoms will be your guide.
As Sharonov said,, the tumor can many times be debulked without disturbing the facial nerve and then IF it grows do the radiation. There are also many surgeries that can be preformed now if facial paralysis does occur. It isn't the end of the world. If nerve isn't severed, it has the ability to heal also.
Perhaps if you send the MRI out to one of the mentioned centers and get another opinion, it will help ease your anxiety some. Also you would have more info to take to your next appointment at the end of the month,,,
It's a hard journey for sure,, but you can do it!!
We all have,, let us know how it goes,,, we are here for you,,