Hi Everyone,
I want to thank you all for being here! I've checked the site almost daily for the past month and have learned tremendous amounts from each of your experiences and from everyone's questions and replies. I have been researching my options since mid-July when I was diagnosed with a 1.3cm AN. Mostly I was questioning whether or not radio surgery, specifically Cyberknife, was a good option for me. I think I have found that it is. I am planning to pursue one more consultation at Stanford, this time with Dr. Steven Chang, before I make a final decision. I previously saw Dr. Blevins at Stanford who recommended retro-sigmoid surgery. I liked him very much but surgery scared me. I then saw Dr. Ross who enthusiastically recommended Cyberknife. She was so positive that my inner skeptic told me to do my research. I have been reading what you all say and also found a link to some studies on
www.pubmed.gov. There seem to be favorable statistics re: cyberknife which, as I understand it, is fractionated radio surgery (a lower dose over several days as opposed to a one time higher dose). I still don't pretend to understand it all. I am still hoping to hear from people who have had radio surgery and read your opinions and comments. I hope that some of my research will help benefit others who are trying to decide treatment options as well.
Good luck and keep in touch,