Author Topic: My experience so far with detailed information about my journey  (Read 2179 times)


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Most of all I'd like to share information with you to compare with your journey, I feel that this is worth sharing.

Beginning: I was working about 50 hours a week, had a great girlfriend and completely independent from my parents. The headaches I had were from, which i believe, just getting older, I'm 26, and the long hours I worked. (it was fairly unsocial job but it paid well and let me live in NYC comfortably and I thought people really liked me but maybe because I liked me). I was seeing a chiropractor at the time because my back hurt from sitting all day, the doctor recommended that I have a MRI of my neck to see what was going on. That was when there was an incidental finding of a (2.6 x 1.7 x 1.1 right brain Acoustic Neuroma in September 2016). I wasn't really upset because I felt like I was depressed from life anyways so was unhurt.  Went to get a MRI with contrast to confirm that what the MRI found was true, yes it was. I took two months off from work to get my tumor removed by Dr. John Golfinos and Dr. Thomas Roland at NYU Medical(Best doctors I could find besides ones in UCLA but I was local based on the research I did, I'd recommend). When i was recovering I thought to myself was the work that I did really "contributing" to bettering myself and as many people as I could. I did everything by the book during my recovery, mostly walking/running, nursing myself back to health(That's all we have at the end of the day). I quit the job I had been doing for years to pursue a change for myself and my path because I feel like the life I had been living was unhealthy and decided to move back in with my mom.

Current Condition: Working a more social job, volunteering, going back to school to learn something new and helping others as much that I'm able to. I'm lucky to only come out the other side of this with a deaf right ear, will I ever go back to feeling like I did? I hope so, I'm trying to keep my chin up through all of this, but I hope to help others on here to help them through this process. Things have changed so rapidly for me, my future looks busy, but I have one question for others on here that's a bit strange. Do you men feel like you'll ever be able to have a girlfriend/family anymore, because I really don't feel it anymore(it sucks).

Let me know if I can answer any questions and I hope that my story helps others through this time of need.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 04:45:04 pm by EvanFNYC »


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Re: My experience so far with detailed information about my journey
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2017, 08:05:29 pm »
Hello, I am a physician, just want to give you my opinion- You are back to normal self physically, you tumor is out, you have a great life, healthy and happy ahead.  You are lucky your AN was  found and removed.    What is happening is that you are depressed, and it was going on way before your surgery.  It is a chemical imbalance and you can beat it if you address it ASAP.  There are great shrinks in NY, please, get advice and treatment from one, and enjoy what you got!


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Re: My experience so far with detailed information about my journey
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2017, 04:11:55 am »
After my surgery, I told my doctor that I amd sad and have crying spells and anger at my husband (who was thoroughly supportive). She recognized the symptoms and put me on lexapro and all has been well since then.
4 cm AN removed 12/2000
subsequent brain swelling
removal of part of cerebellum
face, scalp,tongue numbness and partial paralysis
no corneal sensation and no tears-frequent eye issues
cognitive issues
Regrowth (3.1 x ..86 cm) treated by SRS on November 6, 2015