Hi! I am fairly new here and now have something to ask, say, feel, etc. I do not have a signature, but will get one if it is helpful. Will try to fill you in. On 9/20/17 I had an MRI done. Findings were 6x5x3 mm mass consistent with VS in right IAC. This week I had two consults with neuro teams at U of M Health and Mayo in Rochester. I left deflated that this isn't something that can be "fixed." That brain surgery will make things worse or the same. It is on the lower balance nerve by cochlea, which is trickier than if it were on top one. Chances of saving my hearing with middle fossa is 50-50. Sometimes they cannot get it all with this approach if it is on the bottom. Top has better odds. So I chose W and W. I cried only a little, and I am sure it was because of all the prayer warriors in my corner and God's grace. After about an hour of it all soaking in, I felt better. One thing the surgeon in Mayo said was, "You don't have to do anything now. Watching and waiting is certainly a good option. This tumor is small and sometimes they stop growing." I have been doing a baby aspirin a day for a couple weeks because it sounded good. I eat well, exercise already, take care of myself. So now I am wondering about going to a naturopathic person. The surgeon said in years past they would usually always operate on them but have learned that sometimes they quit growing. I keep repeating that because I like the sound of it. I have balance issues and my hearing is off but still considered normal. We laugh that even with the tumor, Imstillmhear better than my husband. What else is there besides aspirin we can try? How many on here have had tumor stoppage with W and W and/or shrinkage? Did you eat anything special? I can not help think that there is something out there in the wild that will shrink this little beast naturally. I am rambling.....but isn't that what this is about?