Author Topic: Symptoms after cyberknife  (Read 2073 times)


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Symptoms after cyberknife
« on: August 07, 2017, 01:21:44 pm »
I just wanted to share my experience here with my latest MRI and doctor visit. I am 3 years post cyberkn. and hadn't had an MRI in that time. Yes, stupid I know. But I was very busy becoming a new grandma and the brain booger was the last thing on my mind.

About 3 weeks ago I had a bad bout of dizziness out of the blue that lasted 3 days or so. I'm pretty sure it had to do with my sinuses and an air scrubber with a dirty filter that they had placed in my office area at work. The filter in this thing hadn't been changed since 2009...really!?  ::) Anyway, I knew I was overdue for the MRI, called my doctor and had it done. Got the results last Friday and happy to say, no growth, no change.

I asked my doc (Dr. Eshragi, Univ. of Miami) if I needed to have the MRI's every year and he said he wanted me back in a year, but maybe after that, every other year. I have been having a lot of sinus issues this summer because it has been so very hot and there is mold in the building where I work.

So moral of the story, just because you have symptoms doesn't mean it's growing. BUT... don't wait 3 years to get an MRI like me...duh.  :D
diagnosed in 2009
W&W 5 years
AN grew to 2.4
CK at the University of Miami Sylvester Center
July 30, 2014
"By heaven, man, we are turned round and round in this world, like yonder windlass, and Fate is the handspike"... Melville