Author Topic: Trans Lab at House Dec. 7th  (Read 3332 times)


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Trans Lab at House Dec. 7th
« on: November 13, 2006, 12:53:25 pm »

What wonderful information I have been able to gleen from this site.  After consulting with 3 surgeons I have decided to go with House in LA.  Doctor Schwartz and Doctor Luxford are my surgeons.

I will be flying down from seattle with Hubby on Dec 5th for pre-op stuff.

Any tips on what I should take with me and what I should set up for nesting when I get back?

I am in fairly good physical condition now except for not being able to hear out of one ear, my balance is not the best, and facial spasms.  Can you lift weights at all after surgery?

Mom, friend, and daughter besides hubby will help me out when I come back.  My tumor is about 19.1mm by 15mm and was treated with radio surgery in 2004 which apparently failed.

What kind of eye drops are good to have around?  Sea-sick patches someone discussed.  Is there a good list hiding on this site somewhere for what to get ready? Someone mentioned a "shower seat".  What about food?  I would like to get some stuff in the freezer I could pop in the microwave so I am not too much a  burden at home. Sounds like things don't taste so good after surgery...

ANy tips on what to take to make the plan flight home as pleasent as possible?

I am a nervous wreck but trying to get things in order.  :'( My 13 year old will be babysat by my 25 year old daughter while we are gone. I will miss her xmas recital but I can't keep working with the facial spasms I am getting.  I almost decided to do the surgery in seattle but given my radio-surgery history, the guys at house a longer and higher success track record. 

Dr. Chang - Stanford U - April 2004 Cyberknife 15mm X 12mm
Dr. Schwartz and Doctor Luxford - House Ear Clinic - Dec 2006 Translab 19.1mm X 15mm


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Re: Trans Lab at House Dec. 7th
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2006, 04:05:04 pm »
Hi Crystal:

I had translab surgery in May of '04.  The only problem I have now (other than being deaf in the left) is my balance is a little goofy in a dark room.  I got a night light for trips to the bathroom and it works great. 

Buy a reacher in case you drop anything.  You won't be able to bend over or lift anything heavy for a while because of the chance of a CF leak.  I can't remember which brand of gel drops I used.  I did get Lacrilube for at night.

I filled up the table next to my chair with pens, stamps, thank you cards, cross word puzzles (very good for the brain), reading material, snacks of any kind taste was way off so I just had to keep trying stuff.  Oh, and very important is straws.  I tried drinking without a straw and I needed a bib!!  The facial numbness only lasted a few weeks for me.

Best of luck Crystal.  You can email me anytime if you have questions.  I will be thinking of you on 12/7.


ps:  I never had a headache.  I wish the same for you.  I did get neck spasms.  Valium took care of those ASAP.  You can use one of the cheap plastic lawn chairs in the shower.
Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines


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Re: Trans Lab at House Dec. 7th
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2006, 06:12:56 pm »
Hi Kathy,

Sounds like you were having your translab at the same time I was having my radio surgery - mine was april of 04, which unfortuanlty failed.
  I am so glad to hear you are doing so well!  Did you get motion sick at all after the surgery?  My hearing is so wacked out and my balance is mostly gone so I am hoping I will feel better once the bad Nerve is diabled.  Doctor said it is probably mis-firing and I will likely feel better balance wise "very soon" after.

ANy heat or ice packs help or did you stay away from those?


Dr. Chang - Stanford U - April 2004 Cyberknife 15mm X 12mm
Dr. Schwartz and Doctor Luxford - House Ear Clinic - Dec 2006 Translab 19.1mm X 15mm


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Re: Trans Lab at House Dec. 7th
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2006, 06:42:09 pm »
HI Crystal
 Do a search on kate besserman and you'll see a thread on things that were helpful post surgery.  I craved tomato soup after surgery...I didn't fly for treatment.  Flying post treatment right after diagnosis cured me of wanting to think about that. 

There are several here who treated at house who flew and I'm sure can share their experience with you.  (CaptDeb, VSchaub, Danny2006, Karla just to name a few)

As Obita said..straws, baby shampoo, and a shower chair were all very helpful to me after surgery.  Especially if you'r balance is compromised.  Also, a hand held shower head was easier for me to use as I didn't like the shower spray hitting my head  :(
We'll be keeping you in our prayers!

Let us know how you do!


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Re: Trans Lab at House Dec. 7th
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2006, 08:09:09 pm »

I really did want to radiate the sucker but it was touching my brainstem so translab it was.  I never looked back.  I am very sorry you have to go through surgery after already having treatment. 

I was very lucky.  I had occasional balance problems and motion sickness prior to surgery.  Once I had surgery, I was fine.  I walked to the parking ramp to go home from the hospital 72 hours after surgery started.  My surgeons had told me the same thing your doctor said.  Once the nerve is severed, the good side takes over.  I had no motion sickness or balance issues after surgery but I walked very carefully the first week. 

I forgot about hot packs.  I needed them for my neck.  Neck pain is pretty common from the way your neck is positioned durring surgery.  Between the hot packs (I bought one of the skinny gel type made for neck pain) and the Valium I was one happy AN survivor.

Ditto what Batty said.  I do have a hand held shower head and was so glad I did.  I remember my scalp hurt real bad from my hair being smashed willy nilly under the bandage.  It felt so good to just sit there, relax and gently rub my hair and scalp.

Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines


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Re: Trans Lab at House Dec. 7th
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2006, 08:32:04 pm »
Crystal,  Your doctor will probably say no weghts until he sees you for a post op visit.  "No heavy lifting" is de riguer after most kinds of surgeries that require an incision.