Author Topic: drug info help  (Read 4508 times)


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drug info help
« on: November 13, 2006, 02:36:24 pm »
ok can any of you give me some feedback on lexapro and klonapin?  Saw a new doc today who is recommending I change meds for the depression and add problems I'm having.

Thanks, M


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Re: drug info help
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2006, 02:45:00 pm »
Hey M,

First... HUGGLES!!!!!!!!!!!

I know of Lexapro and Klonapin... I'm not sure what else they have in mind to use it on you for "add problems". I do know what you have shared with me in the past and assume that maybe some of the issues we have discussed may be what else they have in mind for prescribing these drugs.  I know of both of them to be highly used in the treatment of depression.  I can also ask PapaPearl about side affects, depending if you are on any other meds.  You know PapaPearl and how he feels about you! :)

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Re: drug info help
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2006, 06:36:21 pm »
Thanks Phyl,  the dr I saw today didn't think they had me on the right depression meds since I also had add.  Said the klonopin would help me sleep.  Mentioned a patch for the add but didnt' give me a name drug.  Chris cracked up when I told him I was going on the patch  LOL 


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Re: drug info help
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2006, 10:42:14 pm »
I looking for something to help with anxiety too.  someone recommended xanax to take during anxiety attacks.  i've also heard of the lexapro but don't know much about it. 


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Re: drug info help
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2006, 10:43:58 pm »
btw, battyprincess i got your email on my aol, but didn't know how to respond to it.  just wanted to let you know i got it and thanks for the well wishes.


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Re: drug info help
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2006, 05:59:42 am »
hi m.  klonopin is a longer acting minor tranquilizer than Xanax or Ativan, & it is addicting.  i wouldn't want to stay on it for too long, otherwise you'd have to be weaned off it slowly to prevent withdrawals.  lexapro is a good antidepressant, definitely agree with that one.   good luck, nancy.
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Re: drug info help
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2006, 06:19:20 am »
Lexapro is a SSRI for depression, in the same class as Zoloft and Prozac.  It a clean drug with few drug-drug interactions and few side effects, so it has become popular.  I know some people take it for OCD and anxiety as well as depression.  Klonipin is a benzodiazapine like Valium or Xanax.  It is not as addicting as Xanax because it is longer acting but its also not as effective as Xanax for panic attacks because it has a longer onset of action.  All benzos carry a risk of addiction and need to be used with care and under careful supervision.  Some docs hand out benzos like they are nothing and some are so cautious they never use them.  They have a place as long as they are used judiciously.

The lexapro will take 4-6 weeks before the effect is really felt but the Klonipin will work the first day.  I personally wouldn't take Klonopin for sleep.  There are better sleep drugs that are less addicting.  There are other meds for the ADD, too.  Its worth investigating and if you have depression compounded by the ADD, I would see a psychiatrist who has experience in handling adult ADD. Or pehaps you already are...anyways, goodl luck!


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Re: drug info help
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2006, 07:19:37 am »
I just saw a phyciatrist to discuss sleep problems.  I have suffered for years, mainly since surgery,with insomnia no matter how tired i am.  i have been on lexapro 20 mg since surgery due to depression after surgery.  it works wonderfully and no side effects (unfortunately lowers libido).  i have tried slowly weening myself off twice very slowly and the depressive thoughts came back and scared me.  i will stay on it for life.  but i finally decided to see a psychiatrist because my regular doctor didn't discuss this in detail with me.  he listened and asked the right questions for an hour and came up with a plan.  he feels my sleep touble is anxiety even though in the day i don't feel it often.  as soon as my head hits the pillow my mind races.  he felt we should stay on lexapro but raise it to 30 mg.  it seems the depression is under control but not the anxiety is not.  he prescribed clonapin because it is a great sleep and anxiety aid but he feels the increased lexapro will actually help with the anxiety.  he did warn about the addictive nature of clonapin so told me to use it a couple of times a week.  he really felt confident that the lexapro will take care of the anxiety that inteferes with sleep.  he suggested other good plans but one involved weight gain-i adamantly refused and one involved menstrual hormones and i was afraid to do that.  last night i slept with no clonapin and had no problems.  maybe the increased lexapro will help. it has only been 10 days.  it seems like the right idea to see a psychiatrist who specializes in these problems.  good luck.  patti   
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Re: drug info help
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2006, 10:37:42 am »
Thanks guys!  I did she a psychiatrist who specializes in adult onset add.  Part of my VR plan.  I take effexor for depression but he felt lexapro would be a better choice w/ less side effects.  I use xanax for anxiety and when I have trouble sleeping as my mind races.  I like the xanax...doesn't sound like I want to trade it for the klonopin.  He also recommended a patch for the add and said it would help as my problem falling asleep is from the add.  Mind races...I can get so much done in my head when it hits the come I can't think of it standing up?  LOL 

I've used xanax for years for anxiety attacks...I don't take it daily as rx just as needed so haven't become addicted.  I took more in the 6 weeks from diagnosis to surgery than I did in all the years I had them before...guess I was real anxious  LOL

Patti UT

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Re: drug info help
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2006, 11:51:32 am »

  Have you actually been diagnosed with adult add??  I'm asking because since my AN surgery I could almost say I have it. The lack of ability to concentrate or focus on any one thing. Yesterday I had 5 different chores I wanted to get done. It was snowing all day (yuk) so I fu=igured I'd just stay at home and get them all done. I swear I spent the whole day wondering from room to room, chore to chore, not getting anything done. My mind wanders so.  Are you sure it's ADD rather than just the congnitive problems brought on from the AN surgery?

 Here's an idea,  every thought about just going off ALL the drugs for a while and see how you feel? Then after detoxing, maybe start again one at a time.  I often wonder how all the different drug interactions and changing form one drug to another along with other stuff we are taking  might be effecting how we are feeling.

Patti UT
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