Author Topic: I had my mercury filings removed and my hearing returned to almost equal.  (Read 3025 times)


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I am trying everything i can and am open to other ideas, but so far so good.  My AN is 3mm and did not grow since last year when first checked.  Since then I started the keto diet, bought and use an infrared sauna regularly to detox, increased my exercise regimen, take lots of supplements, take bentonite clay to reduce heavy metals, I keep ear plugs in my car, office, everywhere so if i find myself in a loud situation i can stop it easily.  I also meditate 5x p/w with a focus on the AN disintegrating.  I use frankincense essential oil (known to reduce tumors).  Those are the things I can think of right now, but removing the mercury was the #1 thing that caused improvement.  I hope this helps!


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Thank you for sharing your regimen.  Interesting about your experience with mercury amalgam removals.  I am in the process of getting this done, and my 3 remaining amalgams are all on the the left side, the same side as my 1.4 cm AN and hearing loss.  I am also taking supplements, Frankincense, and using homeopathy but not there yet with the meditation.  Where and how do you use the frankincense and do you use it straight or diluted?  I have been applying it in a carrier oil to help with absorption in front of and behind my ear but I know people use it internally straight (neat). 
11/2/17 MRI w/o contrast for positional vertigo-1.3 cm mass in left IAC
11/8/17 MRI with contrast - AN 1.4 cm x .5 cm x .4 cm
5/23/18 MRI w/o contrast 1.4 cm x 0.6 cm x 0.5 cm.
11/2018 and 11/2019 MRIs stable
6/2021 and 8/2021 MRI AN 1.2 cm x .5 x .5 and new pituitary microadenoma


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Good to see a response Judy, I wish they sent an e-mail to notify me.  Oh well.  I use frankincense 3-5x p/d.  I mix a good amount with coconut oil or colloidal silver gel and rub it on my face, ear, temple and behind my ear.  It certainly doesn't hurt:-0.  I've been getting direct ozone injections to kill any infections (one from the tooth that directly relates to my left inner ear (crazy!!!)).  I also find that when strict on keto and in ketosis, things are better.  My hearing is back roughly 95%, so haven't used the hearing aid in 8 months.  I do use a plug when needed, but trying to go without it more often.  Sorry for the delay in responding, but i will try to look more often.  The thing I am researching now is a high RF frequency generator - seems to make a lot of sense.  I am also looking into a Bemer PEMF, but haven't pulled the trigger yet.  Let me know what you're up to .  Let's kick this things ass!


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Sorry for the delayed response. I haven't been very consistent with the Frankincense. I'm not familiar with the Beemer PEMF procedure.

 My fillings have all been removed, but I can't say I notice any difference in my hearing. Anyway, I go back for another MRI in May and hearing test in June.  I am concerned, though, about getting the MRI with contrast since the gadolinium is another heavy metal and after going through the time and expense of having the fillings removed, I am concerned about the contrast accumulating in the brain.  I remember someone in this discussion forum saying he was going to have his next MRI without contrast, but I haven't seen any more about it.  Appreciate any thoughts on this.


11/2/17 MRI w/o contrast for positional vertigo-1.3 cm mass in left IAC
11/8/17 MRI with contrast - AN 1.4 cm x .5 cm x .4 cm
5/23/18 MRI w/o contrast 1.4 cm x 0.6 cm x 0.5 cm.
11/2018 and 11/2019 MRIs stable
6/2021 and 8/2021 MRI AN 1.2 cm x .5 x .5 and new pituitary microadenoma