Author Topic: Recovering sound localization and directionality  (Read 3050 times)


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Recovering sound localization and directionality
« on: June 14, 2005, 08:01:21 pm »
I had my AN removed in Oct 2004 by translab and thus loss my hearing in my right ear.  I've had my BAHA since March 2005 and a Canta7 hearing aid for my now good, left, ear since April 2005.  I have not recovered any sound localization or directionality since having either device.  I am a police officer and am on limited duty status due to my inability to localize sound.  My doctor has referred my to a Hearing Therapist and I have my first  appointment with her tomorrow.  Has anyone had any success in either partially or fully recovering the ability to localize sound?  My work has been good about everything, but since I work for a mid-size department it's would be hard justifing holding my position if I can't perform the job.  Any information or tips would be appreciated.

Dave Skaja
68 years old
2.2cm AN Right side
Removed 10/20/2004 Translab
Dr. Wiet and Dr. Kazan
Hinsdale Hospital, Hinsdale, IL.


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Re: Recovering sound localization and directionality
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2005, 09:41:08 pm »
  Yes, very slightly with a cross over type hearing aid. There is still a small delay in sound reaching the remaining ear. BAHA 'may' offer a better chance. I emphasize 'may'!
  Best wishes in this!!

David Wrubel

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Unfortunately there is not much they can do to artificially duplicate two ear hearing. Without the ability to hear in stereo, it is impossible to localize sound. I wish it were different, but the things you've tried are about the most advanced devices on the market.

5+ cm right side AN removed at House Clinic, Drs. Friedman & Hitselberger 4/13/2000, age 47.  Facial nerve intact. No eye problems, headaches, or balance issues. Drove 6 weeks later. 1st biz trip 8 weeks later. Huge tumor....great outcome.