Just had my three year follow up appointment with Dr. Lunsford this week, and things are going well.
Over the past year I've had a pretty significant improvement in my symptoms. My balance issues are almost totally gone and I can walk around in a pitch black room with almost no problems (for the first time in years). Facial numbness and tingling are also totally gone. Tinnitus is either slightly better or is unchanged and I'm just way more used to it.
Results showed that my hearing is unchanged- still 100% word recognition and slight hearing loss in upper frequencies. Dr Lunsford said the tumor appears to be continuing to respond to the treatment, is either stable or maybe had shrunken a bit more. Dr. Lunsford mentioned his group is working to publish a study showing how young people with cystic tumors (like me) are more likely to see significant shrinkage post-GK. He told me he was pleased with my progress and that I can now go two years before my next follow up.
Emotionally, I'm thinking about the AN less and less as time goes on. This is the most I've ever felt like my pre-diagnosis self. Hoping things will continue to look good at the 5 year follow up. I'll be sure to post!