Author Topic: Has anyone has these weird symptoms? Hearing your eye move? Tongue swelling?  (Read 2812 times)


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Hello 37yo female here. Started having some strange symptoms about 6 weeks ago. 
Right ear feeling plugged, can hear my heartbeat in my ear. Also when I move my right eye I can hear it in my ear, like a rubbing or swishing sound. Get a dizzy feeling for a few seconds when I hear a very loud noise. Think I’ve been having more headaches lately too. But no hearing loss that I can tell.
Was going to just wait it out and see if it’d go away. In the meantime I had an endodontist appointment for a root canal and they did a 3D image X-ray thing. The Dr said he seen something very concerning in my sinuses and I needed to see an ent ASAP.
He showed me the images and there’s definitely something there. 
Does anyone know if a 3D image like that would show a AN? 
And has anyone had any of these symptoms?
Oh also have had an undiagnosed tongue swelling for 2 years on and off. Been to allergist and gp, but they can’t give me any answers. Don’t know if that could be related??
My ent appointment is over a month away so I’m just paranoid and hoping it’s something benign.
Any input would be appreciated:)
« Last Edit: February 15, 2018, 03:18:24 am by Maggielee »


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It sounds less like AN and more like superior semi-circular canal dehiscence (SSCD). If it is SSCD, it is benign but can be annoying as you are already aware. Make sure you see an otologist or neurotologist rather than a general ENT if possible (the ENT may refer you to one anyway). The best way to diagnose SSCD is a CT of the temporal bones and VEMP testing.

Source: I'm an audiologist who also happens to have an AN. I've worked with a neurotologist and helped diagnose a number of AN and SSCD patients.