Author Topic: Best doctors around OHIO, Michigan (Jack Kartush) or other?? Please help  (Read 3153 times)


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Hello everyone,

Thank you for reading this! I’m currently having symptoms of this tumor and awaiting my MRI results from Monday night being Thursday, not sure why I haven’t heard back yet. I have unilateral high freq hearing loss guessed at around 30%. Not really much dizziness. Some headaches and constant ringing in both ears hay I can’t really hear unless it’s kinda quiet. I’ve been playing drums without hearing protection since age 12 however. I failed the caloric test with the VNG testing on my left ear. Didn’t give me dizziness. Worse case scenario I’ve been doing research Incase Inhave this. It appears Dr Jack Kartush of Michigan ear institute was one the best and most experienced the country doing the classic retro approach. The testimonies are encouraging for sure. Unfortunately he has retired. I was wondering if anyone knew who kinda took his place there? There is a handful of surgeons there that I’ve even seen mentioned on here.

Also, I was wondering if the endoscopic method has a higher rate of preserving hearing like at skull base insiltitue? I would like to go here in OH or even north since MEI is there.  Can anyone give me some direction please?


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Re: Best doctors around OHIO, Michigan (Jack Kartush) or other?? Please help
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2019, 08:19:25 am »
I am waiting to get scheduled with University of Michigan, Dr Thompson, neurosurgeon and hopefully Dr Telian Otologist.  I've heard they are worth the wait.  - How did your MRI come back?