I had CK this April. After two weeks I started facial palsy. My lip on the right side drooped a bit. Now since last week I am having facial twitching again on the right side, especially on the lip and cheek. In addition I am having dizziness, eye problem, taste difference and dull pain on the back side of the ear.
For the last two days I am feeling needle pinches on my face and on my ear lobes. I also don't know the reason but doctor usually says its due to post CK swelling, may be due to this swelling I'm feeling all this.
I would like to ask what steroid your doctor prescribed you and in what quantity or dose?
I am also a bit concerned as sometimes I feel twitching on my different body parts as well. Do you have any such feelings?
Most doctors says that swelling may be lessen three to six months after CK, and sometimes it may take more.
Insha Allah things will settle down in a while, will be better nsha Allah.
I had electrical stimulations, stimulations may give u bit relief but do ask doctors before going for it.
I think you also having these symptoms due to post CK swelling. Try to relax and don't think a lot about these symptoms, try your best to engage yourself in different day to day matters. Try to change the focus.
You will also will feel better in a while insha Allah.