Author Topic: masseter facial transfer  (Read 3518 times)


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masseter facial transfer
« on: March 14, 2019, 03:27:16 pm »
Has anybody had a masseter facial transfer? If so, with what surgeon and how was the outcome? I had a 4 cm right acoustic neuroma resected 6 months ago. The nerve is intact, however, I have House Brackman 4 facial palsy with no improvement in the past 6 mo. My ENT said if I choose to have the masseter facial transfer, it would be best to do around 8- 12 mo after ANA resection. I am looking into and have set up consults with Dr. Azizzadeh and John Hopkins. Any input would be much appreciated!
4 cm right AN resected 10/20/18 at NYU
HB4 facial palsy


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Re: masseter facial transfer
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2019, 09:02:29 am »

I am similar to your case, my tumor was 2.2cm x 2.7cm and I am left with right side of face paralyzed with no improvements at all since 4.5 months post surgery.

It won't be a direct answer but here is what I have to share.

"My surgeon tells me to be prepared mentally that palsy could be permanent but told me to wait up to 9 months before we can take any other procedure. He told me that there is some facial reanimation surgery which is 2 step procedure where one surgery takes nerve from working side and re-wires it to paralyzed part (it's about 8 hours procedure) then you have to wait for healing, etc. then you under go 2nd procedure of taking a muscle from thigh but the natural smile I had before RS method will never be there and results are OK but not great."

Hope this helps.
No symptoms except mild hearing loss
RS procedure on 26-Oct-18 (2.7 x 2.5 cm AN)
Deafness and facial palsy on right side
26-Feb-19 MRI showed 0.8 cm of leftover tumor
Slight movement on ~7-Jul-19 but mostly paralyzed

Full story:


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Re: masseter facial transfer
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2019, 10:43:35 am »
Thank you so much for the reply! Yes, I guess at this point waiting until at least 9-10 mo seems to be the best option. From the research I have done though, it seems the surgery may be more effective if it is done before 1 year, so it seems to be a fine balance between waiting for natural recovery versus undergoing surgery. I am going to consult with multiple plastic surgeons, I will let you know if I find anything new.
4 cm right AN resected 10/20/18 at NYU
HB4 facial palsy