Author Topic: Cell Phones, AirPods and ANs  (Read 2002 times)


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Cell Phones, AirPods and ANs
« on: March 11, 2019, 10:41:11 pm »
Everyone that uses cell phones and Air Pods needs to read this article:

I was particularly interested in the sentence; Related research on cancer and EMF has also revealed that cell phone radiation - which is not unlike that which comes from Bluetooth may cause non-cancerous tumors to form along the nerve that connects the brain and the ear. 

“Non-cancerous tumors that form along the nerve that connects the brain and ear”..........,  sound familiar?


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Re: Cell Phones, AirPods and ANs
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2019, 08:03:09 pm »
I personally believe it could likely have something to do with it for many people, but the problem is the incidence rates.  You'd think they would be skyrocketing after a couple decades of very broad cell phone and ear bud use now.  Maybe there will be an explosion in diagnoses coming in a few years...Who knows?  Clearly not the scientists, as they seem to be relying more on common sense than hard data, samples, or studies.
March 2018: 10 x 5 x 5 mm AN diagnosed April 2018.  October 2018: 12 x 5 x 5 mm.  Considering surgery in early 2019.
October 2019: 14 x 5 x 5mm.  Surgery scheduled for late Jan 2020.
January 2020:  Surgery at NW Hospital in Chicago area done by Drs. Fishman and Brayton


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Re: Cell Phones, AirPods and ANs
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2019, 10:45:39 pm »
The truth about the dangers of cigarette smoking was suppressed for many years due to the influence (monetary and political) of the tobacco companies. Meanwhile, millions died from lung cancer and COPD and continue to do so. Given the tremendous economic impact of the cell phone market world wide, it is easy to envision that studies showing an association between cell phone usage and cancer would likewise be suppressed. Back in the day, most 12 year olds were not chain smokers. In contrast,  I know kids as young as 9 or 10 that have cell phones and use them constantly. There is no disputing that cell phones give off radiation. It may take awhile to ascertain the  health risks associated with long term use of cell phones. Meanwhile, it makes sense to err on the side of safety and try to limit excessive cell phone use. This is easier said then done.