I was last at 1.2cm with my April MRI. I also had a "fullness event" on August 5. Just sitting in a chair watching TV and minding my own business - wham, my ear goes quiet, tinnitus gets loud, and I have throbbing/echo sensation in my ear. Thought I suddenly lost the hearing forever. Over the next few days, the hearing came back and I had some soreness in that ear (almost felt like an earache when I was a kid, which was rare but a distinctive feeling). Soreness was gone after about a week. I will have an MRI at the end of the month and determine if I had a sudden surge of growth. I've already had mild balance impact since that August 5 event, which bothers me the most, and that's probably what will be the tipping for my making a surgery decision. Best of luck to you, and I hope my experience helps you in some way.