Hi Chris,
It would have meant a lot to me if my then-Neurotologist visited me several times during my post -Acoustic Neuroma surgery - He didn't do that! He visited me once post-op. How can people be so cold-hearted and rude ? I didn't reciprocate. Instead, I expressed to him my highest degree of good manners that I possess during the time he was my physician.I wanted to show him that I wasn't like him. My mom was a patient of this physician as well. I notified him in an e-mail of her death, and he never replied to me to express his condolences to me- lack of sympathy on his part. I was hurt by his conduct.The Bible says to treat others more important than yourself.
Maria Odete
Surgical Team: Dr. Fraser Noel,Neurotologist, Victoria,B.C., British Columbia, Canada and Dr. Michael Boyd, Neurosurgeon, Vancouver, B.C.