I'm curious if any of my Gamma Knife buddies have experienced a need for Root Canal work on their AN side post Gamma Knife? My GK was in 2013 and I spent a year doing tons of research prior to making my decision. I cannot recall ANYWHERE reading about root canals becoming a risk post treatment. Having said that, I never had a root canal in my 59 years prior to treatment. In the past 3 years I've needed 3 root canals and today found out I may need a possible 4th one. Of interest the first one I had was on my left side, the following 2 and the problem tooth I'm dealing with today are all on my right (AN) side! I did wear braces as a teenager and that can cause root problems many years down the road, but it seems odd that I'm having so much trouble on my AN side.
So....anyone else notice something similar?