Thank you for the inputs, ANSydney!
My tumor is about 1.3 cm, and I have no significant symptoms. Very occasional and mild fleeting headache or dizziness. I have had tinnitus for many years, though it is in both ears so may not be AN related.
I have had two MRIs so far, one a year ago and another a couple months ago. The followup indicated some growth of the tumor.
My main concerns about waiting are:
1) Possibility of irreversible symptoms starting, such as hearing loss (understood that treatment itself may actually cause hearing loss that was not there before, unfortunately)
2) Surgery is easier and more likely to have better outcomes when the AN is smaller and I am younger (52 years old)
My main concern about getting surgery is:
1) Possibility of creating hearing loss or other side effects that are not currently a problem
My main concern about getting radiation treatment is:
1) Although short term negative effects will be minimal, this approach makes it highly likely that I would lose my hearing in the AN ear over years
I sure wish there was "the answer", though all of the unknown probabilities, patient specific outcomes, and pros/cons with different approaches make it a frustrating decision process, indeed. I am leaning toward getting the retrosigmoid surgery based on the recommendations of all three doctors seen so far plus the concerns above about waiting, although nothing is absolute in this, is it?
I am trying to maximize my opportunity for successful outcomes by having the most skilled doctors, whoever they may be.