Author Topic: Suggestions for headache reasons and relief  (Read 4552 times)


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Suggestions for headache reasons and relief
« on: May 11, 2018, 02:57:05 am »
I wonder if any of you have experienced headaches on acoustic neuroma side unilaterally. Have you found out the reason causing the pain? What drugs or treatments have helped you?

I have since December (so almost 6 months) constant mild dull headache above my eyeball, in the middle of the eyebrow. And every single day. Pain is 3-4 on the pain scale of 10. Sometimes going up to 6. At times it changes location and radiates in the bottom of the eye-socket, upper jaw- teeth and ear. Main focus still behind the eyebrow.

My this annual MRT came back good, AN has not grown since it was discovered. Also my brain and tissue around eye socket was without anomalies. Visited special doctors. Sinuses, fine. Teeth, fine.  Eyes, fine.

Neurologist said there is nothing more to check and still keeps the original diagnosis- trigeminal neuralgia. But carbamazepine that usually helps with this condition is not easing the pain in my case. It only helps to sleep so I don't wake up because of the pain during the night! Ibuprofen helps but eating it for months takes a toll on the stomach. So I am avoiding it now.  I have read trigeminal neuralgia is extremely painful. My pain is dull constant but does not disrupt most of the time my activities. I have good pain tolerance though.

What is really weird. Physical exercise makes pain ease. about 10-15 minutes to activity raising the heartbeat it feels much better. When exercise ends, pain slowly comes back.

I feel irritated and sad- pain is affecting my life more than AN symptoms.

If anyone has some experience to share I would be really grateful.


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Re: Suggestions for headache reasons and relief
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2018, 05:46:34 pm »
3 strategies work beautifully for me for the exact same type of headache you describe:
1) Butterbur extract capsules/softgels that are "PA (pyrrolizidine alkaloids) free". This planet based medicine has an excellent track record in migraine sufferers,  So I read the clinical trials on PubMed (that my research & my board certified Neurologist also suggest) It is recommended that a person take one daily for 3 weeks to experience the maximum benefit, and then will want to continue.  Well, one cap a day of Butterbur extract 50mg really worked for me within days.  I am very drug sensitive and so I just keep the gel caps handy. But... I find I need them less & less...
2) I'm a little different than you and noticed that heavy/sweaty exercise for long periods was stimulating that kind of headache... this is sometimes called "exercise induced migraine"... so I take a HAMMER brand ENDUROLYTE, just one, to keep my electrolytes balanced.  Then every few hours another, if I an working out or in a cycling or running event.  With no mineral depletion, I don't develop the headache/migraine.  Magnesium supplements alone also work for many, based on the same principle.  Your circulating minerals help with fluid balance and reduce tension.  So, I think you might want to explore this.  Like Butterbur, keeping your electrolytes is harmless (and actually healthful)
3)  Topically, massaging hemp oil compounds (which is the totally legal, non-psychoactive form of the pain & inflammation reducing cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant species) on my temple or the area of aches also works very well.  I use MARY'S NUTRITIONALS Elite Compound or CHARLOTTE'S WEB BALM.
These three strategies are kept in my toolbox of remedies and I use them as conditions suggest.  I like the balms at night, the capsules when active and they will be quickly metabolized.  Like you, my brain booger is stable and actually shrunk a bit in the last MRI!!!  Really happy about that!  Didn't know that was possible
Hope one of my suggestions is helpful and hope you feel great again!!   


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Re: Suggestions for headache reasons and relief
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2018, 10:02:36 am »
2020, thanks for sharing your experience and these ideas. Will experiment with the methods to relief headache because it is still present.


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Re: Suggestions for headache reasons and relief
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2020, 04:07:49 am »
Update- I got rid of the headaches with Chinese acupuncture therapy with needles. I am now on 2 year gap watch and wait list. I have issues but I have benefited from kundalini yoga and yogic lifestyle. It has improved immune system, balance and racing mind as well overall mindset.
Next checkup is in the beginning of 2021 so will see :)


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Re: Suggestions for headache reasons and relief
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2020, 06:24:32 pm »
So glad to hear that Chinese acupuncture helped you. Was there a certain type of acupuncture that they did?  I live in the Bay Area so wanted to see if you can share the recommendation of what type so I can ask someone locally if they can do the same type.  Thanks