Author Topic: The docs in Nashville  (Read 3196 times)


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The docs in Nashville
« on: April 23, 2005, 07:04:20 pm »
My surgery was March 1. I live in NC and my doc recommended Dr. C. Gary Jackson is Nashville. That was the best advise I recieved. I can't say it was "enjoyable" but it was everything I needed to know. I went to a series of meetings and appointments with the doctors and a battery of tests the day before. My docs were Jackson, Dr. Hampt and Dr. Warren. My surgery was over 12 hours long. But besides the normal problems after surgery (dry eye, droopy face) I have had no problems. Dr. Jackson does 1-2 of these surgeries a week. And like my doc in NC said, "Wouldn't you want someone doing this that did it 90 times a year instead of someone doing is 3-4 times a year." I would highly recommend these docs for anyone that can make it to Nashville. They are affiliated with the Vanderbilt Center of Medicine and surgery at Baptist Hospital. The ICU is one of the best.
Their web site is  The Otology Group


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Re: The docs in Nashville
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2005, 10:40:27 pm »
I have been recently referred to Dr. Jackson and have had a telephone consult with him.  Although the AN is small, he recommeded surgical removal (curative approach) as opposed to "wait and see" or "biological alteration" (radiation).  If I elect to have the surgery, it means a 450 - 500 mile drive home upon release from the hospital - - does this present any unusal problems or concerns?

Were hotel/motel accomations convenient and reasonably priced near the hospital?  Do you have an idea of how much should be budgeted for close family members per day of their stay?

I believe he intends to use the translab approach because the hearing has significantly deterioriated and is not worth trying to salvage.  This should have me out of the hospital within five days.  Any information you can share will be appreciated.  Thank you.