I woke up on December 16th with a killer headache that hasn’t gone away since. It was unusual because I feel like I hadn’t had a headache in over a year. It’s a constant dull ache and I feel a lot of pressure in there. A week into the headache I developed a constant ringing in both ears that also hasn’t gone away since. Then last week I noticed I was experiencing some slight hearing loss. I had found myself needing to turn the car stereo volume louder than usual and that I was having to have my partner repeat himself often while we were sitting on the couch watching TV.
I finally saw my GP yesterday. All she was able to do was a very simple audio test that did show hearing loss in my right ear. She prescribed me Naproxen 500mg for the headache and referred me to ENT. I can’t get in to see them until January 26th. I already have another appointment with my GP on January 18th. She said if nothing has changed or gotten worse she is ordering blood tests and a CT scan.
All that doesn’t seem like enough to jump to this conclusion but after much research (which I now realize is just a tiny bit of what’s to come), it explains a lot of weird things that have been happening in the past many years.
I have lots of mental health problems that I’ve been on a ton of meds for going on 15 years now. Over the years I’ve experienced unexplained nausea and vomiting. I’ve had dizzy spells with no explanation, including a rough spot where I had to sit in my car for four hours until extreme dizziness (vertigo? I really don’t know the difference) passed enough for me to drive safely. I’ve felt a lot of numbness in my hands, feet, and lips that comes and goes (have particularly felt it after vomiting), and I suffer from extreme fatigue that doesn’t go away no matter what changes are made.
All of this has happened within the last 10 years. Because the symptoms would come and go and that I’ve been on a million psych meds, we always assumed it was side effects. Now I’m putting it all together and I swear it’s an AN that has been in there growing over all these years.
What do you guys think?