Author Topic: New Pain 3.5 years since translab.  (Read 1044 times)


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New Pain 3.5 years since translab.
« on: November 29, 2023, 10:58:48 pm »
I started semaglutide (Ozempic)for weight loss.  I just started a few weeks ago and on Sunday gave my first bump up of the dose (.5 mgs).  I have felt awful since but I’m scared because it feels like I got punched on my AN side.  It feels like a huge bruise on the side of my face and horrible stabbing pain inside what was once my ear canal. I do suffer from TMJ as well.  Could that be the culprit?  I’m also getting over a sinus infection.  The pain is 8/10.  I know this is a weird question, but it hasn’t felt like this since right after surgery.


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Re: New Pain 3.5 years since translab.
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2023, 07:39:39 pm »
First of all, thank you, BeyondBelief, for sharing your experience on the forums!  It sounds like most of the 3.5 years since your translab have been relatively good until recently.  That is encouraging, if I understood that correctly.

As far as Ozempic goes, most of us on these forums are not physicians and cannot give a medical opinion on whether the Ozempic might have caused the pain in your ear canal or whether it is something else.  My recommendation is for you to share your symptoms with your physician to hear what he/she has to say about it.

However, it is always good to post our experiences on the forums in the event that someone else has experienced something similar or if someone reading in the future has a similar experience.

I wish you well on your continued journey!
Burning Tongue, Loss of Hearing & Balance, and Tinnitus led to MRI. Very small AN found on 11/23/2021
While watching and waiting, lost significant hearing. WRS now at 12% (down from 100%). Was fitted with CROS system on 3/7/22.  Stable MRI on 7/29/22
No treatment yet.


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Re: New Pain 3.5 years since translab.
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2023, 10:28:59 pm »
I agree with the previous post.  With that kind of pain, best to talk to a doctor.  It could be anything.  Guessing can drive you crazy, and could also be wrong.  Keep us posted.
Dx 2.6 cm Nov 2012, 35% hearing loss.  Grew to 3.5 cm Oct 2013.  Pre-op total hearing loss, left side tongue numb.  Translab Nov 2013 House Clinic.  Post-op no permanent facial or other issues.  Tongue much improved.  Great result!!


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Re: New Pain 3.5 years since translab.
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2024, 04:40:01 am »
I have had this ongoing stabbing pain deep in ear pre and post CK treatment for 5 years now. Sometimes behind ear. My CK specialist and the neurosurgeon I saw on Friday re this said it might be TMJ (my dentist also said this and did a dental mouth guard for night clenching) or some activation of a past virus like herpes simplex. Bottom line is they do not know. I thought it was nerve pain but there is no nerve compression visible or on MRI or in any scans I have had. Trigeminal normal, facial nerve normal. I was worried it was radiation damage but now I think maybe is TMJ or viral.
20 x19x14mm Cystic AN diagnosed Feb 2019. CK.
Mri 2019 shrinking: 18x17x13 mm.
Mri 2020 - no cysts visible stable.
MRI 2021 stable no change
MRI 2022 stable no change.
MRI 2023 Further reduction 12x12x10mm!! Hearing 85%
MRI 2024: No change AN or hearing