Hi Ron,
I went back and read your earlier posts (yes I know, i do that all the time, but hey I have a bad memory)....
here's what I thought:
that sounding in a barrel thing? the sock over your head? etc....
well I don't know if this is an interesting tidbit or not, but I have had ongoing years of problems with my ears due to fluid build up in them, with tubes in for ages and ages.... and some time oh a few years after tubes were being put i remember leaving the place and going down into the subway and hallelujah the noise was almost "down to your knees" and the train had not even roared in.... coming home would be agony once in the kitchen.... water from the tap, noise of things put on counter, all of that was mega magnified???..... I have had a couple of episodes like that also since fsr even without a new tube insertion at the time (and I have had some since fsr)... I have no idea what this means, except that noise like that can hurt lol...
I see now that you have nf2? is that right? I was wondering about the one as deaf and the second being something you were concerned about. I can understand that.
I can't hear out of my left ear although I do hear the phone dial tone now after fsr ( some days i can't) so I always get worried when i feel that barrel echo for both ears etc. but it has always settled down so far and I can still hear at same elvels as before fsr for most of the time....
Would be nice if others chime in with their experiences about all this.
Did Johns Hopkins tell you when they began the 5 fsr vs the 25 generally? I didn't know that lol....
In any case your 25 would to my non medical opinion be the best way to zap your An if only that it seems to be more likely to spare nerves and all that.
Sending you more good wishes,