Yes, 2006 was a roller coaster ride with my AN issue, but my wife and I were also blessed with our 2nd grandaughter. As they say, "Look for the silver lining". It's been four months now. Shortly after surgery, I had all of the problems that are common to everyone and I had plenty of self pity parties; however, I know I'm very fortunate. As of today, You can't look at me and know what I've been through. The scar is amlost completly covered and I have no facial issues. My balance issues have made a major improvements the past few weeks. A few weeks ago I learned I have a few low tones and one high tone in the AN ear. By all standards, I'm still SSD, but I'm encouraged. My doctor says it's still too early to consider any type of hearing aide, so I'll hang in there another six months. I feel good putting these feelings into words.
For those of you out there considering surgery, keep in mind there are a lot of success stories like mine. I'm moving on with my life. My wife and I are celebrating our 34th anniversay on a 2 week cruise in February, She's also accompanying me on 2 week busiiness trip to China in April and then on to a few trade shows in May and November. I feel good and sometime this weekend I'm going throw my first bowling ball since this happened. The boys on my team keep asking when I'm coming back; why not now. Life is good.
Happy 2007 Everyone,