I had the same thing happen. I had no hearing problems or any of the other things I've had with this AN........I found out I had Osteo really bad and so started taking Fosamax at first (liquid) because I couldn't swallow the pills. After that is when I start having my first symptoms..... and since I hated the liquid fosamax I started taking Actonel, because they had a small pill......who knows. It's kind of like your damned if you do and damned if you don't. I know that these bone medications do help your bones although if they cause tumors or jaw death.........I guess you can pick your evil. Which would you rather have broken bones or tumors.
As for me I don't know if there is any way to know at this point about the bone medications........but I'm going to do a lot more research on them. I still don't feel comfortable with taking another actonel, which I need to do tomorrrow morning
. My doctor just laughs at anything that I find out on the internet. She's big on Pills. Of course this is the doctor that told me I had fluild around my ear drum and it was a AN
Needless to say I really don't want to go back to her and ask any important questions.
If any of you find out anything else please let me know. By the way I haven't noticed a spell check on here.......is there one? So anywho if there are spelling errors, just ignore them.
Thanks Bunches,